Upper Sagital 3-Way, Posterior Cut

Saggital 3-Way, 3 Posterior Distilization 3 screw, Upper 1.1Saggital 3-Way, 3 screw, Posterior Distilization Upper 1.2

  • Sagital: Is an acrylic plate that has at least one sectional screw placed around the posterior region to separate the acrylic of the anterior from the posterior acrylic.  It is important that the doctor clearly indicate where the posterior plate needs to be cut.  Unlike the single screw the separation of acrylic along the midline of the appliance is bilateral.
  • The appliance featured to the left is uses a 11 mm  Leone screw to expand the midline and 13 mm Leone sectional screws to individually distilizes the posterior acrylic.
  • It is important to note our lower sagital will smalle 9mm sectional screws Leone.