
  • Compact RPE

    Expansion, RPE,

  • E-Arch

    E-Arch, Expansion, Fixed,

  • Flea

    Expansion, Fixed, Flea,

  • Haas RPE

    Expansion, Fixed, RPE,

  • Quad Helix

    Expansion, Fixed, Quad Helix,

  • RPE 7mm

    7mm, Expansion, Fixed,


    Expansion, Fixed, RPE, TAD,

  • RPE, Headgear hooks

    Accessories, Fixed, Fixed Accessories, Headgear Hooks, RPE,

  • RPE, Facemask hooks

    Expansion, Headgear Hooks, RPE,

  • Bonded PRE Orthodontic Appliance

    This appliance is the most trim and slim bonded RPE we make.   Thermal plastic allows us to eliminate the standard wire cage and cold cure acrylic that create a thicker appliance.  As shown in the photo we have eliminated

    Bonded RPE


  • Bonded PRE Orthodontic Appliance

    This is a traditional bonded RPE with S.S. Cage with the an expansion screw.  As shown in the photo we have eliminated any buccal to make this appliance as thin apossible, attachments such as face mask hooks and arch wire

    Bonded RPE Type 3


  • RPE Rapid Palate Extender with habit

    RPE Rapid Palate Expander with habit

    RPE Rapid Palate Expander with habit


  • Rapid Palate Expander RPE with habit bluegrass

    Rapid Palate Expander RPE with habit bluegrass

    Rapid Palate Expander RPE with habit bluegrass


  • Leaf Expander

    Compliance Free. No home activation required.

    Leaf Expander
